"It's really great to get all the materials on the platform, plus the videos are short, so it is easy to fit in the routine. I like that the videos are objective, short and straight to the point. Having a workbook is awesome too. Also, the examples to check out are great."
- Marina (Brazil)

"To join the Academy was the most important decision in the past 5 years! It was my first step in the world of Legal Design which changed my life forever."
- Dorra (Tunisia)

"The feedback was perfect and I have implemented the changes. Just a quick message to say thank you for the amazing and constructive feedback! Here is mine: you are a super mentor! I found it really amazing. :)"
- Julian (Brazil, Ireland)

"I feel so fortunate to be able to meet and think with other lawyers and legal designers from around the world. Just to see what others are doing is an inspiration. Thank you!!"
- Camilyn (USA)

"Today's workshop was AMAZING. It helped me a lot in planning life ahead. I am excited by all that is to come."
- Anthony (Brazil)

"I have added a version of my case study to my latest book and it is getting really positive comments!"
- Sarah (UK)

"Today was an eye opener. I learned. I engaged. I contributed. It's exciting to be around others that share your passion."
- Deneen (USA)

"I loved the content of the series... Objective, with tools and practical examples. It's great because it gives an overview of visual contracts, and some paths for those who want to deepen their studies."
- Katsuren (Brazil)