This March, let's march for Ukraine!

Legal Design Sprint

For Civilians in Ukraine

Are you a Lawyer, an Artist,  Designer, a Technologist, an Interpreter or Translator who is tired of watching the news and would like to contribute to create and deliver meaningful solutions? We need UX/UI Designers, Creatives, and Artists, as well as Legal and IT professionals who are eager to collectively brainstorm, prototype and deliver solutions. Do you have a skill and would like to be part of the solution by bringing your know-how? Then come and sprint with us!

Then this is an invitation for you to contribute! We will be using the Design Sprint methodology - a proven and quick problem-solving method used by large tech cies and by the startup community - and we'll have a focus on designing law-related solutions. We'll be using a human-centered approach to develop solutions such as creating powerful and easy-to-read visuals about refugee requirements, legal rights for citizens in times of war, and so much more. 

Let's create life-saving solutions by making legal information more accessible to all the victims of the Ukrainian war.


Meet the Sponsor, Tessa Manuello

Tessa Manuello is the founder and CEO of Legal Creatives, considered one's of the World's Legal Design Pioneers, who holds Masters in Human Rights & International Law. She has built the largest active community in the Legal Design space, and now hopes to inspire to co-create and develop solutions for the victims in Ukraine. Tessa's ancestors fled both Odessa and Moscow in 1910's during the Russian Revolution and found refuge in France, then Senegal where they were sent to work in the back-then French Colony. She always felt touched by the situation in the region and is committed to helping. 

Meet the Organizer, Bianca Schroeder

Bianca is a community builder and passionate creative thinker. She has an academic background in Conflict Resolution and experience working in Human Rights at the Federal level in Ottawa, Canada. Her ancestors were persecuted & fled the Ukraine in 1920's during the Russian Revolution and settled in Brazil.

Meet the Empowerer, Mariya Kryvokhat

Mariya is a talented  UI & UX consultant and Community & Product Manager who has been displaced from Ukraine by war. She now based in Greece and is committed to use her expertise and language skills to create solutions to help her friends, family members and fellow Ukraines citizens receive quality life-saving information and meaningful solutions.

Participate in the Sprint for Ukraine and help save Lives by co-creating Solutions 

Participate in the Sprint for Ukraine and help save Lives by co-creating Solutions 


Live Brainstormings And Co-Creation Sessions 

Artists, Designers, Technologists and Lawyers coming together to find solutions!

Contribute by sharing Resources to help Ukrainian Civilians

Do you work or know about organizations that are helping Ukranians? Join the Sprint and Slack to share the information! 

A Hub & Community dedicated to Deliver Meaningful Solutions Quickly

Get access to the Slack Group and The Blitz Sprint to start contributing!


Questions? Use the Chatbot or email [email protected]

An initiative sponsored by Legal Creatives
Let's contribute and come up with meaningful solutions, together!